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You can give without loving. But you cannot love without giving.
-Amy Carmichael-

Sukses telah menciptakan banyak kegagalan bagi banyak orang.
-Cindy Adams-

Seorang ibu bukan orang yang harus disandari tetapi seseorang yang membuat sandaran tidak perlu lagi.
-Dorothy Canfield Fisher-

Merangkai bunga di pagi hari dapat menimbulkan perasaan tenteram dalam menghadapi hari yang sibuk - seperti halnya menulis puisi dan berdoa.
-Anne Morrow Lindbergh-

Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.
-Mother Teresa-

"Kehendak Anda Mengandung Kuasa Yang Begitu Besar, Sehingga Anda Bisa Menjalani Kekekalan Tergantung Pilihan Anda!"

Tidak mudah menemukan kebahagiaan dalam diri kita. Namun, kita tidak perlu juga mencarinya pada orang lain.
-Agnes Repplier-

Teach the Word clearly and correctly to the end that people may come to know Christ as Savior and Lord.
-Henrietta Mears-

As we get to know the heart of God, we're more likely to refuse temptation because we love God too much to give in.
-Jan Johnson-

Setelah kata kerja “Mencintai”, maka “Menolong” adalah kata kerja terindah di dunia.
-Bertha Von Suttner-

Anda mungkin berpikir presiden benar-benar berkuasa, padahal tidak.Dia membutuhkan banyak petunjuk dari Tuhan.
-Barbara Bush-

A possibility is a hint from God.
-Soren Kierkegaard-

We can do no great things; only small things with great love.
-Mother Teresa-

Chances are, you'll never be able to answer the "what if's" in life. But as long as you know that the Lord is with you, you can be assured that He has all the answers you need.
-Joyce Meyer-

Overwhelmed by the majestic greatness of God's love, I dedicated my life that night to His service whereever in the world He could use me.
-Carol Terry Talbot-

"Arahkan Pandangan Anda Kepada Tuhan, Maka Ketakutan Pun Akan Berlalu"

Nothing is so delicate as the reputation of a woman; it is once the most beautiful and most brittle of all human things.
-Jane Wels Carlyle-

It is always springtime in the heart that loves God.
-Cure' d'Ars-

God provided me with the stregth I needed at the precise time when conditions were ripe for change.
-Rosa Parks-

God can make you anything you want to be, but you have to put everything in his hands.
-Mahalia Jackson-

Seorang arkeolog merupakan suami yang baik yang bisa diperoleh wanita, makin tua si istri, makin besar minat si suami terhadapnya.
-Agatha Christie-

No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.
-Alice Walker-

Merasa takut bukan masalah besar. Yang jadi masalah ialah bila anda tidak berusaha mengatasinya.

Kita berkelimpahan melalui apa yang kita berikan dan berkekurangan melalui apa yang kita tolak.
-Anne-Sophie Swetchine-

Wanita pada umumnya lebih penyabar daripada pria.
-Cory Aquino-
